Rachel Monet
Artist, Cinematographer, Storyteller
I was born an artist. I have no doubt.
For as long as I can remember, I have immersed myself in creative outlets. My earliest memory was fingerpainting in kindergarten! After that, there was no stopping me. I sketched and doodled my way through grade school and high school while still maintaining a B+ average.
There were chapters in my life where, like most folks, I was busy for decades at a time with careers that provided paychecks so I could raise children and keep a roof over our heads. There were also chapters in my life when I disappeared into the canvas as a form of meditation and healing at the times I needed them most.
Discovering the therapeutic effects that I received from being able to enter “The Zone” at will by doing what I love most (painting) was enlightening! (The Zone: Deep meditative state)
It was love at first sight when I looked through the lens of my first film camera.
I was eighteen years old. It was a Minolta Asahi Pentax camera with a portrait lens. Nothing fancy compared to today’s technology.
In fact, because I didn’t get to edit anything after it was committed to film, I had to learn to create visual masterpieces the hard way. Not only that, I also didn’t have a lot of money to waste on developing bad photos, so I learned to make every shot count.
It is through this lens that I learned another way to enter “The Zone” without even knowing it. I was focused on storytelling through the lens.
Over the years, my love of storytelling took many forms.
From written words to compelling visuals, whether they be through the tip of a pencil, the pigments on canvas, or through the camera, the stories that needed to be told emerged.
Those same creative activities saved my life and sanity many times. They offered me sanctuary and safe spaces where I could escape my troubles and get to a higher place without the need for alcohol, stimulants, or drugs of any kind.
When my mother passed away several years ago, my biggest regret was not getting her telling her stories on camera.
Born in 1918, she lived through the depression and there were so many experiences and so much wisdom that she shared in only the ways a person can when they have actually lived their stories.
She passed away just a few months away from turning 100. What was I thinking? I guess I just assumed there’d be more time…
It wasn’t until I turned 65 that I truly realized how precious time is and that I need to stop waiting for the right time to go live life and explore the world. As I was checking out AirBnb prices for long term stays in countries such as Italy, Spain, Mexico, and many others, I quickly realized was that I could actually life a quality lifestyle for less than half the cost of living in Orange County, California.
No time to waste anymore…. I’m off to see the world and create a living documentary as I go create a masterpiece of my life going forward. Let’s see how those stories emerge!
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