
It’s time to get real. Face the truth….

I am an artist to my very core. I always have been and always will be an artist in everything I do. I was born an artist.

Never has this been so apparent to me as it is right now, in this moment, as I step back from the current painting I’m working on. “This” is where I’m at my best. My happiest.

For the past five years, I’ve worked hard to make a go of it as a professional photographer. In 2017, I decided to go “Pro” after years and years of being an avid hobbyist. I fell in love with the camera when my 22-year marriage ended in 2012.

Prior to leaving, I had been a stay-at-home mom and homemaker for several years which afforded me the opportunity to be prolific with my painting. I had a studio set up in the house and painted almost daily. Besides my children and dog, painting was the only thing that brought me joy in life for as long as I can remember.

When I left my marriage, I also lost my studio. The situation was ugly – I’ll spare you the details. My focus turned to healing and survival. I had little more than the clothes on my back, a few dollars in my wallet, my cell phone, the keys to the old van conversion, and my beloved chihuahua – Charlie.

The love affair with the camera started when I sought refuge at my childhood besty’s home at the beach in Northern California. I took out my cell phone camera and got lost in taking photos of seagull footprints, driftwood, and whatever interesting compositions caught my eye. The bait was irresistable! I was hooked….

Five years and tens of thousands of photos later, I decided to do what I love. After all, they say do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!!! So they say…. At the time, I thought that was photography so I took the leap and went “Pro” in 2017. Armed with a loaner camera, I embarked on this new career. I’ve covered countless events over the years for free in exhange for the opportunities to get “exposure.” I’ve networked diligently for years, building a a base of potential referral partners.

What have I gained from all of that? Wisdom. Did I make money? No. In fact, I’ve been a miserable failure as a professional photographer. That’s the truth.

I made more money selling a painting two weeks ago than I made in the past five years as a photographer. I made money doing what I REALLY love doing the most – painting!

During the past year, several people who’ve seen my art have strongly encouraged me to exhibit and sell my work. The painting I sold was just prior to my inaugural exhibit at a networking event. I had posted the progress of the painting on Facebook where the buyers fell in love with it. When I announced that I was going to be offering the painting for sale, they immediately swooped on it within hours of posting the pre-sale opportunity.

I was thrilled. This was the affirmation I needed. Thank you.

While I still offer photography services, my focus has shifted to creating enough inventory of paintings to start exhibiting and selling. My dream is to be able to support myself as an artist. Now, I’m taking action to make that dream come true.

Often, I’m asked if I’m related to Claude Monet. I jokingly reply that I taught him everything I knew then came back to do it even better. It’s in my DNA. What can I say?!!

Be sure to subscribe to my blog, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn…. wherever it is that resonates with you. Oh…. and I encourage you to be a patron of my art so I don’t end up being a Starving Artist!!!

Back to the brushes and canvas…. Rachel Monet

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