The Power of “Un”

In my younger days, maybe even last week, I might have engaged in the battle.  I no longer do battle. I listen, tell stories, endeavor to inspire and to lead through raw, bold and revealing honesty… but no longer do I fight. Ever.

I have other, extremely empowering choices:

1) Unfriend or Unfollow.   Why engage in an argument with someone who is clearly combative and disrespectful to others? All they will do is blast you too and it feeds their need to fight.  I had a young fellow as a Facebook friend that I just unfriended this morning.  He is a fighter… full of testosterone and himself.  He is  completely disrespectful of women to the point that his idea of generating interest in getting guys to come to his event is that he boasted that there would be drunk girls there.  Then he made a huge spectacle out of blasting a lady who posted a controversial opinion.  What did he do? Made a big scene, called her horrible names (bullying, degrading, etc) in hopes that others would join him in casting stones at this woman who he found fault with.   I don’t need activity like that cluttering up my Facebook and getting me agitated about a person that I don’t even know personally.  “Un” and bye bye.

2) Unplug.  I want to be aware of local and world news but it only gets the minimal amount of attention it deserves.  Television and even computer activity can be addictive and overly influence our decisions. That’s why they call it “Programming” !   Get what you need, fact check as appropriate, then get the heck out!

3) Unwind.  Things I can do everyday include: Breathe, meditate for a few minutes, soak my feet in some soothing lavender epsom salts, and listen to some soothing music or nature.  Commit to some quiet time to let the creative and loving thoughts take over and rejuvenate me mentally and emotionally.  Eat nourishing food and get plenty of sleep and some exercise daily. I know I have to take care of my body, mind, and spirit in order to be well enough and strong enough to help others.

For me to change the world (don’t we all?) I have to start with me, lead by example, and work with the willing.   Anything else is a power struggle between those who think they know better and those who think they know it all.

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