“The Devil Came Calling”
The devil came calling today
Looking to take my soul
Like a caged animal
Restless, I paced
For I could smell the rain
The rain of tears
Of fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers
Of wives, husbands, sons, and daughters
I knew the call
Of the vultures flying before him
I had heard them before
And I had seen his dust
The red dust, his calling card
Red from the dried blood
Of those who paid his price
Before me
I let him draw near
Enough, I said
No more
You may not beg, borrow, bargain, nor steal
My soul is not yours today
For no bargain will I make
With a Devil, the likes of you
I do not negotiate with terrorists
Take your birds and your blood
Back to that lonely dark place
You call home
It must be hell.

- Rachel Monet, May 5, 2013